Our Training Philosophy
Balanced Approach
- Understanding the dog's behavior
- Engagement and enjoyment
- Patience
- Clear communication
- Building trust and a bond
- Adaptability
- Consistency
- Empowerment of owners
- Lifelong learning
Using a variety of scientifically proven techniques, sharpened with years of experience, we teach your dog what they are supposed to do when they hear different commands or encounter different situations. Using this approach, we eliminate your dogs confusion, and with it the inappropriate, annoying, and destructive behaviors that they are currently exhibiting. By the end of training, not only will we help you to overcome your dogs behavioral problems, but you will enjoy a positive relationship built upon a mutual bond of understanding and trust. Ultimately, your dog will become a willing and excited participant in your day-to-day routine and continue to understand the advantages of behaving obediently.

Too often dog trainers focus on teaching a dog all of the things that it is not supposed to do. Don’t pull on the leash, don’t jump up on people, don’t go after the cat running down the street. Frequently, they will assert that to get your dog under control, you need to display more “dominance", regardless of the behavior or dog’s personality.
While this approach may work, there are considerable drawbacks to its use. First and foremost, this approach is based around conflict, for both the dog and the handler. It requires that the owner frequently, and often times harshly, correct their dogs for inappropriate behaviors. Further, it requires owners to go out of their way to put undue pressure and stress on their dog in the name of “dominance."
Secondly, by focusing solely on fixing “incorrect” behaviors, correct behaviors often go unappreciated, and therefore unlearned. In other words, if you think about it, you have only been giving your dog two main forms of attention on a daily basis. "Come here my sweet baby, jump on the bed with me and let me kiss you" or "Don't do that! Stop Barking! Stop chewing on my cabinets." Your dog is likely never receiving positive attention when it is showing you appropriate behaviors. Does your dog have any idea what is truly expected out of them? In the end, the dog feels confused and unsure, leading to even more problematic behaviors over time.
On the opposite side of the spectrum, using endless amounts of treats and a "purely positive" approach might work to "fix" behaviors quickly, and virtually without any conflict, this method has continuously proven to not be reliable long-term. Not only does food just mask behaviors and not truly repair, but also creates a relationship based around bribery and a lack of trust and respect. Treat training is a wonderful way to start with dogs and to shape behaviors, but can your dog still perform the same task without food being held in front of them? Is your dog truly learning behaviors, or simply how to follow a treat?
At Hunter Canine we shift the focus of training.