Canine Good Citizen Prep

Price: $325 For 6 Weeks
Canine Good Citizen Prep classes at Hunter Canine allow you to test your current training in a wide variety of real world situations, and learn everything you need to make passing the CGC test a piece of cake!
Utilizing the 10 items on the CGC Test as the framework, we provide you with the knowledge and insight needed to get your dog to happily and automatically behave politely and with good manners. By further taking those ideas and applying them to everyday situations beyond the CGC Test, you and your dog are sure to become model citizens anywhere you go.
Plus, as with all of our classes, you are your dog will have the opportunity to properly interact and socialize with other dogs in a happy, controlled environment which fosters learning, focus and success.
Additional Class Information:
- Please visit the official AKC website: for more information regarding the specifics of the Canine Good Citizen Test
- CGC Testing is included in the cost of the class and will take place the last class date
**Must have completed Beginner Obedience.